Many people don’t want to quit because they worry: without my Twitter account, who will listen to me? In what way will I matter to the world beyond my apartment, my office, my family? I believe these hesitations reveal something totally unrelated to Twitter. I don’t have words for it, exactly, but if you find yourself fretting in this way, I will gently suggest that it’s worth questing a bit inside yourself to discover what you’re really worried about.
Robin Sloan, The lost thread
Supersaurio · Black abyss en sueños · Artforum en la Placeta de Sant Miquel · Parc Güell, libros y helados con AS · The Eyes of the Skin · I tried 500 years of Haircuts · «Jaja siii. Pero todxs me temen» · Händelse vid bank.
For the latter part of his career, Cutler lived on his own in a flat on Parliament Hill Fields, north London, which he found by placing an ad in the New Statesman saying “Ivor Cutler seeks room near Heath. Cheap!”. There he would receive visitors, and his companion Phyllis King, in a reception room filled with clutter, pictures and curios, including his harmonium, some ivory cutlery (a pun, of course) and a wax ear stapled to the wall with six-inch nails - proof of his dedication to the Noise Abatement Society, because of which he forbade his audience ever to whistle in appreciation at his work. The bicycle was his preferred mode of transport, its cow-horn handlebars in the sit-up-and-beg position in line with his Alexander technique practice.
Volvieron los dolores · «House mola, te mola el house?» · Le compré unos mapas y guías (1, 2, 3) a Joana Estrela en preparación para mi futuro viaje portugués · Publish Something Online · Envié a imprimir pegatinas de este dibujo (en cuanto las reciba explicaré cómo conseguirlas) · Por cuestiones nostálgicas y organizativas, recuperé varios antiguos mensajes de la newsletter donde informaba (de forma ridícula y bombástica, como me gusta a mí, ya sabes) sobre algunos proyectos que estaba a punto de lanzar. Funcionó regular. En cualquier caso, los mensajes están al principio del archivo, pero no hace falta que los leas porque no entrarán en el examen · Por otro lado, sigo sin salir del atolladero emocional en el que me encuentro (un clásico) · Mis canciones favoritas de los Viagra Boys son Sports y Amphetanarchy.
Better Call Saul · New York Times Illustration Portfolio Review?
Pensándolo muy fuerte · Mafen al Sol
Map with me · Presque Gagarine · Gut con A y R
Sesión doble: Tyrannosaur , X · Personal computers
Días de cianocobalamina · Back to coffee · Primer aviso · Revolta de les Quintes
Supersaurio · Good news [for people who love bad news]
To share some tracks I like on this blog, I’ve written a little music player that reproduce YouTube videos by just adding a tag with the video id. It’s not 100% finished yet, but it seems to work fine for a debut. Here’s an example:
A new hope · Porto in June · «Un besito absolutamente pinchador» · Calathea Lancifolia II · Pensando en decir adiós a @camuflaje · Salero con Y y A