Documented projects

Kindle to
Send your Kindle's highlights and notes to
Enfont Terrible
A terrible, terrible type foundry
Map with Me
Create collaborative maps with your friends (and enemies)
I remember bot
A tribute to Georges Perec and his book Je me souviens


  • PoetiCal

    An experimental, collaborative publication that lives in your calendar

  • Book Saboteur

    Poetically sabotage your electronic books

  • Binocular Shot

    A tribute to movies with inaccurate binocular shots.


  • Bluesky Looky Looker

    Look at what people like and which lists they are in

  • Manager

    An Obsidian plugin that lets you publish content from Obsidian to and the other way around.

  • Type Simulator

    Type Simulator offers an easy way for anyone to enhance their typesetting skills. It exposes users to a range of real-life scenarios where typing might occur, such as on board a ship, in a dark, misty forest, under the influence of mind-altering psychedelic drugs, or in zero-gravity environments


  • Letterboxd scrapper

    A script that scrapes films from a Letterboxd user's public diary.

  • Walking Poem

    A website that writes psychogeographical poems using real Google Maps directions from your current location to a random place around you.

  • Music Snitch

    Show the music you are currently scrobbling.


  • Dale

    Generate DALL·E 2-like images without an invite. Without AI. Without writing a prompt. Without waiting for the process to finish. Without wasting electricity or emitting CO2. Just drag and drop an image and let the most advanced technology (well, JavaScript) do the rest.

  • Dear Reader

    Dear Reader sends you articles and posts from your favorite newsletters and RSS feeds directly to your Kindle.


  • aire-madrid

    Node package to get information about Madrid's air quality. It's probably bad (the air quality, I mean.)

  • Avisos Madrid

    This repository contains notices and incidents reported by Madrid's citizens regarding street furniture, lighting, urban and waste cleaning, green areas, sidewalks, etc. Automatically updated every 10 minutes.

  • Binocular Shot

    A tribute to movies with inaccurate binocular shots.

  • Boletín Botánico

    Mysterious little zine of whimsical periodicity, dubious content, dangerous editing, and suspicious ambition.

  • Figma Avatar

    Update your Twitter avatar and banner from the comfort of Figma.

  • Go With The Flow

    A text threading plugin for Figma.

  • Paul Virilio Bot

    A bot that tweets variations of a famous Paul Virilio quote.


  • BiciMap

    An alternative and open-source map of BiciMAD.

  • Kindle to

    Send your Kindle's highlights and notes to

  • Txtnau

    A bot that looks at art and tweets what it sees.


  • Drawings

    My (incredibly silly) illustration portfolio.

  • Enfont Terrible

    A terrible, terrible type foundry.

  • Favicon Chameleon

    Makes your tab disappear when nobody is paying attention.

  • I Remember Bot

    A tribute to Georges Perec's 'Je me souviens' in the form of a bot.

  • Map with Me

    A tool for creating collaborative maps with your friends (and enemies).

  • OMG Movies!

    A bot that loves films but doesn't have a very good memory.