L’Amistat · Añadí varios de los posts pre y ligeramente pandemicos de mi antiguo y tristemente descontinuado diario: Semana 40, Semana 41, Semana 42, Semana 43, Semana 45, Semana 48, Semana 7, Semana 18, y Poetry Slash.

Días de cianocobalamina · Back to coffee · Primer aviso · Revolta de les Quintes

Supersaurio · Good news [for people who love bad news]

To share some tracks I like on this blog, I’ve written a little music player that reproduce YouTube videos by just adding a tag with the video id. It’s not 100% finished yet, but it seems to work fine for a debut. Here’s an example:

A new hope · Porto in June · «Un besito absolutamente pinchador» · Calathea Lancifolia II · Pensando en decir adiós a @camuflaje · Salero con Y y A

Figma talk

social media really tries to force you into a single identity online and that is very stupid. you are many things. be many things. the thing about you that gets less engagement is just as important and valid as the one that gets more.

Sad Cowboy

Photo Diary · 💩 · Revolta de les Quintes · The Bubble · “And in a funny way, the shaving of my, uh, head has been a liberation from, uh, a lot of, uh, stupid vanities, really. Uh, it has simplified everything for me. It has opened a lot of doors maybe.”

Federal Café Gòtic · All those [friends] · No 💩 · «¿Haces pelis con esa Krasnogorsk?» · Meet the Filmmakers: Josh and Benny Safdie

“thank you for making the internet just even a bit more fun and interesting :’)”

Hand object

Cosmo solo · Our Flag Means Death · Glide